Dixired by Maccari Stefano (Sean)
Fruit Beer/Fruit Beer (All Grain)
Cagnara Stout by Rinaudo Marco (cagnara)
Stout/Dry Stout (All Grain)
birra con uva rossa moscato di Scanzo by corbo nicola (CorBeer)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
ALE by Conforti Francesco (isenbeck)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
Ricetta Giornata nazionale HB 2015 by Bagnoli Luca (Crodal)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
american blanche by di pumpo lucio (milù)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
Sulêra by Gaeta Nicola (Nickgi)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
PACIFIC WHEAT by cannata sebastiano (andrey)
Light Ale/American Wheat (All Grain)
Ninkasi by ciarlo christian (christiantilt)
Belgian & French Ale/Witbier (All Grain)
bella chicca by cannata sebastiano (andrey)
Light Ale/American Wheat (All Grain)
March of the Black Queen by Bellini Mirko (mahamoti)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
Natale Dream2 by Ferrante Elmiro (Elmo)
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (Estratto+Grani)
Magico Avvento by shiba62
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (Estratto+Grani)
Bretty Christmas by Ricca Eugenio (EugenioRicca)
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (All Grain)
Natale Dream by Ferrante Elmiro (Elmo)
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (Estratto+Grani)
Babbo47 2015 Barrique by Galati Giuseppe Gabriele (druido)
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (All Grain)
Ariaga by Rota Daniel (Eldano)
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (All Grain)
Christmas blond by bolla77
Spice/Herb/Vegetable/Spice/Herb/Vegetable (All Grain)
C'è fumo sopra Berlino by Ricca Eugenio (EugenioRicca)
Wheat Beer/Berliner Weisse (All Grain)
Drink me by teo_trix
Koelsch & Altbier/Koelsch-Style Ale (All Grain)