blackkammo 2 by Aldiri Diego (Diegolo)
Stout/Foreign Extra Stout (All Grain)
Oscypek 2015 (Grätzer/Grodziskie) by Galati Giuseppe Gabriele (druido)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
DELONG by Pilia Francesco (kekkopils)
Belgian & French Ale/Belgian Specialty Ale (All Grain)
harvest pils by goghero maurizio (mauri.)
American Lager/Classic American Pilsner (All Grain)
Kolsh v2 by Ricca Eugenio (EugenioRicca)
Koelsch & Altbier/Koelsch-Style Ale (All Grain)
B.A.S.-Taffel Molen by Scatizzi david (Skato)
Specialty/Experimental and Historic (All Grain)
Fraiche Saison by Scatizzi david (Skato)
Belgian & French Ale/Saison (All Grain)
blonde2015 by Tolu Maurizio (maurillo)
Light Ale/Blonde Ale (All Grain)
Brodo di giuggiole by komu
Strong Belgian Ale/Belgian Strong Dark Ale (All Grain)
Apricotta by komu
Lambic & Belgian Sour Ale/Fruit Lambic-style Ale (All Grain)
Saison du Lazar by zazbeer
Belgian & French Ale/Saison (All Grain)
Nevosa by Galati Giuseppe Gabriele (druido)
Belgian & French Ale/Witbier (All Grain)
ossidi seppia by sabatucci paolo (paolosab)
Strong Belgian Ale/Tripel (Estratto+Grani)
Pepata Bianca by forti carlo (quei citti)
Belgian & French Ale/Witbier (All Grain)
black bastard by Adamo Alessandro (benztag)
Porter/Robust Porter (All Grain)
Fumo di Danzica by Baliani Paolo (PiviP)
Smoked Beer/Other Smoked Beer (All Grain)
Deep Underground Clone by Ferrante Elmiro (Elmo)
Stout/Dry Stout (All Grain)
Chicoe by Giacomelli Francesco (MastroFra)
American Pale Ales/American IPA (All Grain)
Birrikina clone Zinnebir De La Senne by Selvi Matteo (Teolo)
Belgian & French Ale/Belgian Specialty Ale (All Grain)
Smoked Black Hole by Manca Italo (Ichnos)
Smoked Beer/Other Smoked Beer (All Grain)